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The Cast​

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School-girls, Nobles, Guards and Coolies


The Principals (see portraits)

Award winners!​

International G&S Festival performance in Buxton:


Festival Award: 2nd runners-up


Best Traditional Opera


Best Character Actor - Donald Stephenson



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Publicity photos


Dress rehearsal photos


NODA report


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Author Pam Booth​


The Mikado

Donald Stephenson



Arthur Berwick



Valerie Green


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Nanki Poo

Colin Belsey



Rachel Warren


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Philip Jennings



Liz Kelley


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David MacDonald



Alex Bird


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The Chorus


Jane Baxter


Wendy Belsey


Sue Bunten


Catherine Culligan


Vanessa Horwell


Madeleine Johnson


Chris Lowe


Dorothy Parnaby



Carrie Brown


Charlotte Brown


Roz Ebbetts


Sylvia Horwell


Noelle McCreath


Julie Robinson


Sam Westwood



John Carter


Jim Coleman


Graham Hardman


Jonathan Spry


​John Westmancoat


Andy Wilkinson



Andrew Apsland


Andrew Baxter


Kit Hadley-Day


Chris Igoe


John Keogh


Toby Wind


Robin Withey


Graham Woods



Publicity photos

Publicity photos​




Three little maids

Three little maids

Yum-Yum and Nanki-Poo

Yum-Yum and Nanki-Poo

Not long before Nanki-Poo discovers that his beloved Yum-Yum is engaged to the Lord High Executioner. Find out what happens next.....

Beauty in the bellow of the blast

Beauty in the bellow of the blast

Fun for all the family! Katisha and KoKo discover they share a strange and hilarious love for the bloodthirsty!

Mikado and Katisha

Mikado and Katisha

Not long to go before the great Mikado and Katisha pay an unexpected visit to Titipu to ensure an execution has been carried out - and receive an unpleasant surprise

Mercy for Pooh Bah!

Mercy for Pooh Bah!

Unless something can be done, the Mikado will execute Pooh Bah, KoKo and Pitti-Sing 'after lunch'. Find out if they can escape their fate...

I will have to execute!

I will have to execute!

A letter arrives from the Mikado causing great consternation for Pitti-Sing, KoKo, Pooh Bah and Pish-Tush

Chop it orff!

Chop it orff!

We will soon discover whether the Lord High Executioner has it in him to do what Pooh-Bah tells him and 'chop it orff' (it being Nanki-Poo's head)!

At last we are alone...

At last we are alone...

KoKo tries to kiss his unwilling bride-to-be, Yum-Yum. Join us for this and more shennanigans!

As the sabre true

As the sabre true

Pooh-Bah, Pitti-Sing and KoKo are facing an unpleasant end for their terrible fate!

Dress rehearsal photos

Dress rehearsal photos​




NODA report


This was Harrogate Gilbert and Sullivan's fortieth anniversary and they gave us a production to be proud of. This beautifully costumed show was a delight to watch with such careful attention having been paid to wigs and accessories. The men's chorus not only had to cope with the singing, (which they did admirably) but also with some very intricate fan movements. There were excellent performances from all the principals and the humour was brought out to the full. The 'little list' included some very topical and local references which the audience enjoyed immensely.
The singing from both principals and chorus was beautiful and the sympathetic orchestra allowed us to hear every word.
The set was simple but very effective and the use of authentic props created a real Japanese feel to the show. The lighting was used well and with great effect especially in Yum-Yum's rendering of 'The sun whose rays are all ablaze'.
This was a happy and well directed show and here's to the next forty years.


Pam Booth

May 2013​


NODA report
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