Harrogate Gilbert & Sullivan Society
M e m b e r s I n f o r m a t i o n
2024/25 subscription rates

Full member (including annual show and concert) : £45
Junior member (under 18 or FTE) - £10
Patron: £40 - we are ever grateful to our Patrons for their support of the society

New members will be asked to undertake a short and informal voice test to confirm membership to the society
Auditions are held in respect of principal roles for the main show each year - details will be published at the appropriate time
Rehearsals and Club Nights
Rehearsals are held on Mondays at 7.30 pm in the hall of St Pauls Church - just off Victoria Avenue.
Sometimes we held social Club Nights on a Monday instead of a rehearsal, we still have one every now and then as they are a great social event when we have time for a chat with friends- something we should not be doing in rehearsals! Keep an eye on our facebook page for future events. The first rehearsal for the 2024 Christmas Concert will be on Monday 31st October at 7.30 pm
Social Media
Members on Facebook should request to join the closed group: 'Harrogate Gilbert and Sullivan Society' for information within the society
We also encourage members to 'like' our public page: 'Harrogate Gilbert & Sullivan Society'